Open the 'pr2_arcs.cpr' file with cheatbook database's hex editor. Find the position: 5619. You will see 5B53455D [PINASSE]. There's the changeable numbers here. You have to change the number of that ship you own. Such as you have Galeone ship, change the agil,crew,vmax etc. For example what I used for [LINIENS] ships is:- Agil= 50 Crew= 200 Heal= 130 Fass= 85 Tief= 2 Vmin= 12 Vmax= 18 GSpT= 0 Guns= 250 Wert= 200 Crew means how many crew can you load.
Vmax is the ship's max speed. For trade best is 20, For artifact finding, place higher value here. Vmin is the ship's min speed. Do the same as Vmax, but in for war ship use lower value here. GSpT means only ships costs not other costs.such as captain's payment.
Sep 23, 2018 - Port Royale 2 Cheats; Artmoney Port Royale 2; Artmoney Download Free. Becker traffic pro navigation. Let the game stand entirely on its own merits. Ivory keygen. Will reap massive rewards and in certain circumstances a nation will ask you to capture a town.
Guns means how many Cannon can you load, etc.
Open the \'pr2_arcs.cpr\' file with cheatbook database\'s hex editor. Find the position: 5619. You will see 5B53455D [PINASSE]. There\'s the changeable numbers here. You have to change the number of that ship you own. Such as you have Galeone ship, change the agil,crew,vmax etc. For example what I used for [LINIENS] ships is:- Agil= 50 Crew= 200 Heal= 130 Fass= 85 Tief= 2 Vmin= 12 Vmax= 18 GSpT= 0 Guns= 250 Wert= 200 Crew means how many crew can you load.
Vmax is the ship\'s max speed. For trade best is 20, For artifact finding, place higher value here. Vmin is the ship\'s min speed. Do the same as Vmax, but in for war ship use lower value here. GSpT means only ships costs not other costs.such as captain\'s payment.
Sep 23, 2018 - Port Royale 2 Cheats; Artmoney Port Royale 2; Artmoney Download Free. Becker traffic pro navigation. Let the game stand entirely on its own merits. Ivory keygen. Will reap massive rewards and in certain circumstances a nation will ask you to capture a town.
Guns means how many Cannon can you load, etc.
...'>Artmoney Port Royale 2 Own Town(15.11.2018)Open the \'pr2_arcs.cpr\' file with cheatbook database\'s hex editor. Find the position: 5619. You will see 5B53455D [PINASSE]. There\'s the changeable numbers here. You have to change the number of that ship you own. Such as you have Galeone ship, change the agil,crew,vmax etc. For example what I used for [LINIENS] ships is:- Agil= 50 Crew= 200 Heal= 130 Fass= 85 Tief= 2 Vmin= 12 Vmax= 18 GSpT= 0 Guns= 250 Wert= 200 Crew means how many crew can you load.
Vmax is the ship\'s max speed. For trade best is 20, For artifact finding, place higher value here. Vmin is the ship\'s min speed. Do the same as Vmax, but in for war ship use lower value here. GSpT means only ships costs not other costs.such as captain\'s payment.
Sep 23, 2018 - Port Royale 2 Cheats; Artmoney Port Royale 2; Artmoney Download Free. Becker traffic pro navigation. Let the game stand entirely on its own merits. Ivory keygen. Will reap massive rewards and in certain circumstances a nation will ask you to capture a town.
Guns means how many Cannon can you load, etc.
...'>Artmoney Port Royale 2 Own Town(15.11.2018)