Download Free Adventuridge Compass Manual Software
Download Free Adventuridge Compass Manual Software

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Compass software is useful for programming Honeywell through a computer. Instead of using a keypad hooked up to your, you can use the Compass software to configure all programming settings and then download the settings to the alarm control panel. Compass is not intended for the end user and is only distributed to Honeywell dealers. However, we realize that some end users have the software and want to be able to use it to program their own VISTA-20P alarm control panel. To do so, you will need an approved modem for use with Compass. You will also need a computer that is compatible with the Compass software. The computer should also have a standard 9 pin serial port available.

There are USB to serial adapters available. The recommended model is the Tripp-Lite USA-19HS. Finally, you will need either a WATELCOCABLE, or a phone cord with an RJ-11 plug on one end, and the plug and wires stripped from the opposite end. These instructions assume the use of a regular phone cord. First, you will need to connect the RJ-11 plug from your phone cord into the modem's 'LINE' port. At the other end of this cord, you'll have 4 flying leads, Black, Yellow, Red, and Green.

Wire Red and Green to the panel's phone terminals. Red on Ring (terminal 24), Green on Tip (terminal 23).

Wire a 150 Ohm, 1/2 watt resistor between Ring and terminal 5 (Aux power positive). Connect a jumper wire from Tip (terminal 23) to terminal 4 (Aux Power negative). With the connections made, open the Compass software and setup an account for your VISTA-20P alarm control panel. Open the account, go to 'communications', hit the connect button, and choose 'Initiate from Telco' then click 'Connect'. The Compass software will generate a message box with an 'OK' button available. Next, enter your 4-digit installer code followed by [#] + [1] on your keypad. A message of 'Modem Comm' () or 'CC' () should display.

Wait a few seconds, you'll hear a click from the panel as the line seizure relay engages, then click the 'OK' button on the message box within Compass. Through the modem, the software will connect to the control panel, as if the connection were taking place over a phone line.


Once connected, you can then upload and download panel programming. Did you find this answer useful?

We offer alarm monitoring as low as $10 / month. My vista20P system is currently being monitored by analarm monitoring service, and I also have a total connect account that allows me to do end-user functions, such as turn alarm off/on and look at event log etc.

I also have an GSMV4G on the system, which is why I had to get an TC account. How do I enable the alarm programming functions using TC? Cracked diamond quest ro. I also have downloaded and installed Compass2.0, and wondering what options are available besides direct connect using my desktop's internal modem, which is not on the list of recommended modems.

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