Download Wallem Marpol Compliance Program

• Option 3 – Global/Regional with Local Emissions Control Areas (LECAs) • Global S cap • 4.50% • 3.0% from 1 January 201[2] • SECA S cap • 1.50% • 1.00% from 1 January 201[0] • 0.50% from 1 January 201[5] • Emissions limits for use of scrubbers: • 6.0 g SOx/kWh • 4.0 g SOx/kWh as from 1 January 201[0] • 2.0 g SOx/kWh as from 1 January 201[5] • waste streams cannot be discharged in ports unless documented it would not have an adverse impact on the local eco-systems (IMO issues guidelines with criteria for such an assessment). • Tier III standards – 80% emission reductions from Tier I limits • Tier III limits apply ONLY to engines: • power output of > 600 kW • installed on ships constructed on & after 1 January 2016 • (a Party to Annex VI can apply the above limits to new engines of 130 kW and above) • Tier III limits in ECAs only • Outside ECAs - Tier II limits • Emission levels for Tier III are as follows: • 3.40 g/kWh (engines with n 2,000 rpm. • NOx limits for existing engines - not an easy task • Use of MDO would give NOx reduction by 10% to 15% BUT without a global use of MDO, the penalty on old ships would be too high • NOx Tier II - possible and rests with manufacturers • NOx Tier III implies use of SCRs/abatement technologies • Prudent that new ships consider compliance with Tier III and install SCRs/abatement technology prior to 2016 • Still to be assessed • SCRs - the only technology to give an 80% reduction;..

BUT • existing SCR technology not efficient at low engine loads • can compliance be achieved in ECAs irrespective of the engine load (close to port, through estuaries and straits ships slow down)?

Our Contractor Safety Management Program is organized to outline Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) requirements to ensure that Tradebe’s utilization and management of a contractor (including the contractor employees and subcontractors) and the execution of their scope of work is completed in a safe and compliant manner in conjunction with Tradebe policies, procedures and practices. The program applies to contractors, vendors, temporary labor providers and others who perform activities such as modifying, repairing, adding, removing, resting, commissioning or qualifying any equipment, facility or infrastructure on Tradebe US properties or in partnership with Tradebe US operations at Customer sites. This process must be completed every two years. Como actualizar windows vista a windows 7 sin perder datos. Prior to performing work, contractors, vendors, temporary labor providers, and others must: • Download Tradebe's Contractors' Pre-Qualification Form below and complete. • Submit the completed questionnaire form, along with all supporting documentation, to our EHS team at. Generally speaking, our business partners have a commercial, long-term interest in their business relationship with Tradebe. We respect this and work to create a mutually beneficial relationship.

However, we also expect “best practices” from our business partners in terms of safety, quality of products, competitive pricing, and outstanding, reliable service. We expect our business partners and suppliers to comply not only with laws and internationally established business rules but also to take their social and environmental responsibilities seriously. Occasionally when dealing with business partners and suppliers we are offered gifts and/or entertainment-related items. It is the policy of Tradebe that we do not accept or give items above a low nominal value.

The advantages of MARPOL Consolidated 2018:- Easy to find desired regulation in few clicks- Search inside in the chapter- Search inside in. VerifAvia: a worldwide independent accredited environmental verification and auditing body for aviation (airlines and business jets), airports and maritime transport (shipping). Also provides technical assistance, training and capacity building for ICAO MBM / Aviation MRV and ICAO 'State Action Plan' to governments and aviation regulatory authorities.

Marpol compliance

Items of nominal value such as a fruit basket or office desk gifts like notepads or pens are acceptable. Gifts should in no way be construed as an acceptance of a vendor or business relationship.

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