Eico 1030 Manual Schematic

EICO Manuals from Vintage Manuals, Inc. EICO Manuals Looking for an old, out-of-print EICO manual? You've come to the right place.


Eico 667 Schematic Here is the schematic from the Eico 667 tube tester. It is very similar to the 666, except now there are a pair of extra levers, and a few test sockets are missing. But the meat and potatoes are identical. If you are planning to restore your 667 to peak operating condition, here are a few pointers. • Replace the selenium diodes CR1 and CR2.

I rivet in a small terminal strip, using the mounting hole from the ‘old’ diodes. It is now easy enough to install 1N4007 diodes across the terminal strip.

Drakensang english version patch download. My English version of Drakensang is 1.03 and my German version 1.11. Does anybody happen to know if patch 1.11 has ever been released in English or is thio patch only available in German?

Eico Schematics A possible on-line source for schematics or manuals is the Boat Anchor Manual Archive or BAMA site. A possible on-line source for schematics or manuals is the Boat Anchor Manual Archive or BAMA site. Check it out. If you have documentation to contribute, please do so. Eico Block Diagrams. Eico Model 460 Schematic. Acousto-Optics AA-AOTF polychromatic acousto-optic modulator filter and RF driver Operator Manual, PDF, 6.2M Eico, Directory. Electric Fence, PDF, 11M. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation OLIVER 1971, PDF, 16M.

• While you are at it, replace filter capacitors C1 and C2. Since modern-day capacitors are much smaller than their ancestors, I replace C1 with a 22uF/150VDC or possibly a 47uF/150VDC capacitor, while C2 is now a 22uF/25VDC capacitor. Typically I use whatever I happen to have on hand. • Carefully check the calibration potentiometers R7 and R18. Tama granstar serial numbers. If you are having any difficulties calibrating your tester, change these potentiometers!

Replace them with any quality 100K linear-taper potentiometer. I make sure I use a control with a nylon shaft, and avoid those with split and/or splined shafts. If necessary, I also cut a notch in the top of the shaft, to facilitate using a small screwdriver for any adjustments. Eico used very poor quality controls here, and they are prone to failure. • When doing the calibrating for the Line Adjust, I will set it so ‘High Noon’ gives me a reading of 6.3VAC with a 6L6 inserted in the socket! This may seem obvious, but I sometimes carefully calibrate the Line Adjust exactly as the manual describes, and I end up testing a 6L6 with barely 6VAC on the filaments.

I choose a 6L6 as opposed to a 6V6 because the filament draw is higher, and I want to be sure this procedure is done under a decent sized load! You can measure the filament voltage while testing say a 12AT7 or a 6SL7 after, and be sure your filament voltages are consistent, and correct! Tweak the Line Adjust calibration as necessary. Finally, according to one Internet ‘expert’: “ The transistor tester circuit is comprised of the switch, the resistors, capacitor all are mounted on it. On some of the units the switch has a orientation tab. That is a tab that protrudes from the face of the switch and is meant to go into a hole in the mounting panel next to the shaft hole. Its purpose is to keep the switch assembly from rotating when the selector knob is turned so that the position indicated on the panel will be the correct position on the switch.

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