No Public Installers With The Runinstallerattribute.yes Attribute Could Be Found

No public installers with the RunInstallerAttribute.Yes attribute could be found The service works if run with a standard windows installer; here is the code: [RunInstaller(true)] internal static class Program { /// /// The main entry point for the application. When you mark a property with the RunInstallerAttribute set to true, the value of this attribute is set to the constant member Yes.Therefore, when you want to check whether the attribute is set to this value in your code, you must specify the attribute as RunInstallerAttribute.Yes.


OK-Well I can't seem to get the service to show up in the services list. Probably due to a failed installutil attempt I believe I'm following the steps in the book line for line for creating a service so perhaps someone with more experience can tell me what is happening or not happening perhaps it's on the server that the problem resides? Here is my log: Installing assembly 'c: watchforfile.exe'.

Affected parameters are: assemblypath = c: watchforfile.exe logfile = c: watchforfile.InstallLog No public installers with the RunInstallerAttribute.Yes attribute could be found in the c: watchforfile.exe assembly. Committing assembly 'c: watchforfile.exe'. Affected parameters are: assemblypath = c: watchforfile.exe logfile = c: watchforfile.InstallLog No public installers with the RunInstallerAttribute.Yes attribute could be found in the c: watchforfile.exe assembly. Remove InstallState file because there are no installers. • → *new* Get practical advice and learn best practices for moving your applications from RDBMS to the Couchbase Engagement Database. (sponsored) • → Learn to shorten database dev cycles, integrate code quality reviews into Continuous Integration workflow, and deliver code 40% faster. (sponsored) • → See a demo showing how you can build a globally distributed, planet-scale apps in minutes with Azure Cosmos DB.

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No public installers with the RunInstallerAttribute.Yes attribute could be found in the C:pathtoservicemyservice.exe assembly. Castlevania rondo of blood snes rom. Module Project.WindowsService.Installer open System.Configuration.Install open System.ComponentModel open System.ServiceProcess [] type public ProjectInstaller () as installer = inherit Installer() // Define the process settings let processInstaller = new ServiceProcessInstaller( Account = ServiceAccount.LocalSystem, Password = null, Username = null) // Define the service settings let serviceInstaller = new ServiceInstaller( ServiceName = 'Project.WindowsService', DisplayName = 'My Service', Description = 'Blah. Blah, blah, blah.

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