Relive Your Life Game All Endings

Relive Your Life is a game that tells your life story through animations and mini-games. All mini-games are played with your keyboard and the directions are displayed prior to starting a mini-game.

Relive your life game all endings lyrics

Welcome to, largest gaming social community on the net. With over 20,000 games to play, you should never get bored again. We add new games like Relive Your Life every day.


Play games, rate them, post comments, add them to your favorites, share them and chat with other online gamers. Furthermore, we add new every day so you can play against your friends.

Akon beautiful remix mp3. Paul getty the state of things When you sign up as a member, you get to discover the social community part of the site which offers you the ability to upload and share photos, customize your gamer profile, draw sketches, make friends, start private chats, exchange gifts and keep track of what your friends have been up to.

• specializes in multiple endings. And its sequel have twenty or thirty endings apiece, mostly depending on your job, sin level, and the amount of adventuring you did, although there are a couple of 'special endings' like marrying a prince or becoming a mermaid. Charm School has about twenty different endings for each of the three main characters, depending on which classes they took and whether they had a good or bad attitude at the end of the game. - Horse Hall has five or six major endings to your year at wizard school, and they've also got several visual novels. •, also made by, has over a dozen bad endings depicting the princess' demise, ranging from swords and arrows to poisoned chocolate. It only has one good end, where Elodie gets crowned queen. However, depending on the many choices and possible ways to reach coronation, pictures styled like stained glass describe what happened afterwards.

Some are heart-warming and some are delightfully evil. • games such as the series and, which also include a number of endings as well. One of their earlier games,, gave most chapters within the story multiple endings, but only one final end. Well, unless you complete all the optional dungeons, which grants Prier a unique change of character. (And may be canon, considering her cameo in Disgaea.) • It should be noted that, aside from the first game, you actually have to put effort in to get a normal or bad end, such as killing over 100 team members in combat, while the true end is given by default. In the first game, killing ANY team member, even by accident, locks you out of the true ending. The game does not tell you this.

As the series evolved, the other endings have come to rely less on team kills, to the point that the fourth game doesn't bother to track them. (The alternate endings are instead defined by play-set relationships to the protagonist, defeating bonus bosses, or being at a set level.). • and its sequel,, had dozens of different endings depending on when you fought the final boss (who can theoretically be fought at almost any point in the game, but only in a would you be expected to actually be able to do it): • While a cat in the tells you has 10 endings, it officially has 12 endings, 2 more if you count, and one more for the DS, giving us a grand total of 15. Moreover, the 2 'normal' endings that are easily achievable without a have two major variations each depending on whether or not you crash your time machine, and several smaller ones (for example, managing to save Lara). Two of the other endings are basically just glorified credit rolls, though.

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  • Relive Your Life is a game that tells your life story through animations and mini-games. All mini-games are played with your keyboard and the directions are displayed prior to starting a mini-game.


    Welcome to, largest gaming social community on the net. With over 20,000 games to play, you should never get bored again. We add new games like Relive Your Life every day.


    Play games, rate them, post comments, add them to your favorites, share them and chat with other online gamers. Furthermore, we add new every day so you can play against your friends.

    Akon beautiful remix mp3. \'Paul When you sign up as a member, you get to discover the social community part of the site which offers you the ability to upload and share photos, customize your gamer profile, draw sketches, make friends, start private chats, exchange gifts and keep track of what your friends have been up to.

    • specializes in multiple endings. And its sequel have twenty or thirty endings apiece, mostly depending on your job, sin level, and the amount of adventuring you did, although there are a couple of \'special endings\' like marrying a prince or becoming a mermaid. Charm School has about twenty different endings for each of the three main characters, depending on which classes they took and whether they had a good or bad attitude at the end of the game. - Horse Hall has five or six major endings to your year at wizard school, and they\'ve also got several visual novels. •, also made by, has over a dozen bad endings depicting the princess\' demise, ranging from swords and arrows to poisoned chocolate. It only has one good end, where Elodie gets crowned queen. However, depending on the many choices and possible ways to reach coronation, pictures styled like stained glass describe what happened afterwards.

    Some are heart-warming and some are delightfully evil. • games such as the series and, which also include a number of endings as well. One of their earlier games,, gave most chapters within the story multiple endings, but only one final end. Well, unless you complete all the optional dungeons, which grants Prier a unique change of character. (And may be canon, considering her cameo in Disgaea.) • It should be noted that, aside from the first game, you actually have to put effort in to get a normal or bad end, such as killing over 100 team members in combat, while the true end is given by default. In the first game, killing ANY team member, even by accident, locks you out of the true ending. The game does not tell you this.

    As the series evolved, the other endings have come to rely less on team kills, to the point that the fourth game doesn\'t bother to track them. (The alternate endings are instead defined by play-set relationships to the protagonist, defeating bonus bosses, or being at a set level.). • and its sequel,, had dozens of different endings depending on when you fought the final boss (who can theoretically be fought at almost any point in the game, but only in a would you be expected to actually be able to do it): • While a cat in the tells you has 10 endings, it officially has 12 endings, 2 more if you count, and one more for the DS, giving us a grand total of 15. Moreover, the 2 \'normal\' endings that are easily achievable without a have two major variations each depending on whether or not you crash your time machine, and several smaller ones (for example, managing to save Lara). Two of the other endings are basically just glorified credit rolls, though.

    ...'>Relive Your Life Game All Endings(28.11.2018)
  • Relive Your Life is a game that tells your life story through animations and mini-games. All mini-games are played with your keyboard and the directions are displayed prior to starting a mini-game.


    Welcome to, largest gaming social community on the net. With over 20,000 games to play, you should never get bored again. We add new games like Relive Your Life every day.


    Play games, rate them, post comments, add them to your favorites, share them and chat with other online gamers. Furthermore, we add new every day so you can play against your friends.

    Akon beautiful remix mp3. \'Paul When you sign up as a member, you get to discover the social community part of the site which offers you the ability to upload and share photos, customize your gamer profile, draw sketches, make friends, start private chats, exchange gifts and keep track of what your friends have been up to.

    • specializes in multiple endings. And its sequel have twenty or thirty endings apiece, mostly depending on your job, sin level, and the amount of adventuring you did, although there are a couple of \'special endings\' like marrying a prince or becoming a mermaid. Charm School has about twenty different endings for each of the three main characters, depending on which classes they took and whether they had a good or bad attitude at the end of the game. - Horse Hall has five or six major endings to your year at wizard school, and they\'ve also got several visual novels. •, also made by, has over a dozen bad endings depicting the princess\' demise, ranging from swords and arrows to poisoned chocolate. It only has one good end, where Elodie gets crowned queen. However, depending on the many choices and possible ways to reach coronation, pictures styled like stained glass describe what happened afterwards.

    Some are heart-warming and some are delightfully evil. • games such as the series and, which also include a number of endings as well. One of their earlier games,, gave most chapters within the story multiple endings, but only one final end. Well, unless you complete all the optional dungeons, which grants Prier a unique change of character. (And may be canon, considering her cameo in Disgaea.) • It should be noted that, aside from the first game, you actually have to put effort in to get a normal or bad end, such as killing over 100 team members in combat, while the true end is given by default. In the first game, killing ANY team member, even by accident, locks you out of the true ending. The game does not tell you this.

    As the series evolved, the other endings have come to rely less on team kills, to the point that the fourth game doesn\'t bother to track them. (The alternate endings are instead defined by play-set relationships to the protagonist, defeating bonus bosses, or being at a set level.). • and its sequel,, had dozens of different endings depending on when you fought the final boss (who can theoretically be fought at almost any point in the game, but only in a would you be expected to actually be able to do it): • While a cat in the tells you has 10 endings, it officially has 12 endings, 2 more if you count, and one more for the DS, giving us a grand total of 15. Moreover, the 2 \'normal\' endings that are easily achievable without a have two major variations each depending on whether or not you crash your time machine, and several smaller ones (for example, managing to save Lara). Two of the other endings are basically just glorified credit rolls, though.

    ...'>Relive Your Life Game All Endings(28.11.2018)