Unmapped Spring Configuration Files Found

The syntax of files contained in the /etc/pam.d/ directory: type control module-path module-arguments. Valid type values are: auth this module type provides two aspects of authenticating the user. Unmapped Spring configuration files found. The Project Structure has a Facets option that allows you to set up various frameworks. FacetsIn the middle, you can set the framework used by the current project, such as Hibernate and Spring, and if it is a Web project, you also need to add Web Facets.

Just to clarify the answers above, you need to do the following: • Go to the project structure dialog (either by clicking the warning or through file=>project structure • select the modules item in the left hand list • go through and right click on the modules with missing files and select Add=>Spring • in the new tab click the + button • you should now see a list of the xml files. Check the boxes next to them I'm not entirely clear what this achieves apart from getting rid of the warnings! If anyone could shed any light on that it'd be good. Same situation with my team, appeared that the 'Import Maven project automatically' (Settings / Maven / Importing) is not checked on a fresh IntelliJ installation.

So check it and next time you'll import a Spring based project pom.xml file in 'Maven projects' window, then a green window will appear up right and will wait for your validation to trigger the parsing of Spring configuration files detected. Hope it helps! EDIT: at this time, using JDK 1.7 instead of 1.8 + start from a extra-simple fresh 'empty project' (IntelliJ) had seemed necessary too on a other colleague laptop.

Apologies, I was testing with your older version of the project. Comfortlink ii software update I loaded the new version and also can reproduce same issue as follows: I modified your ConflictException as follows, just the one line to add reason: @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.CONFLICT, reason = “ConflictExceptionReason”) And then set breakpoint in your UserLogicRESTIntegrationTest.java at method whenUserIsCreatedWithNewRole_then409IsReceived at the response and don’t see the reason changed. It is “HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict” and would expect “HTTP/1.1 409 ConflictExceptionReason”.


Thanks for any reply if you have the time, Otherwise I understand (it is a small issue, but I’m thinking it may just be a configuration).

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