Detected Active Gfx Coinstaller Exiting
ExitingDetected Active Gfx Coinstaller Exiting

GFX Coinstaller ( I. Detected active GFX (co)installer; exiting. You can’t perform that action at this time. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

Key:: [HKU S-1-5-46676-1001 Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run] 'GoogleChromeAutoLaunch_721577D41E77D440C916E2687EBA0267' [HKLM Software WOW6432Node Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Winlogon] 'userinit' REG_SZ userinit.exe, [HKU S-1-5-46676-1001 SOFTWARE Microsoft Internet Explorer Toolbar] 'Locked' REG_DWORD 0 File:: C: ProgramData WindSolutions CMD:: rd /s /q C: WINDOWS Temp * del /f /q C: WINDOWS Temp * sc delete diagtrack sc delete dwmappushservice ### ADS:: @C: WINDOWS System32 @C: WINDOWS Syswow64 Clean:: yesRun QuickDiag and click on the « S » at the top of the interface. A window will open with exactly the same text you selected before Click « Script » button A short time later another window will open with the results, copy/paste all the text in your answer.

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Window.exit() function does not exists in pyglet, instead try window.close().

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