Dravyaguna Books Pdf




From India to U.S.A. About this Item: Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2007.

This book deals with the practical knowledge on identification of medicinal plants both macroscopically as well as microscopically. In other wards it is the practical manual for the students of Dravyaguna. Emphasis is laid on the necessity of basic knowledge on anatomy in botany. Basic tissues of plants and their characteristics are described in a brief but effective manner. Several illustrations are provided to avoid lengthy descriptions. This will make this work student friendly. Methods of staining and preparation of slides for microscopic study of various plants is provided with suitable examples as per CCIM syllabus.

This will be handy for the teachers of Dravyaguna while imparting practical training to student. This work also deals with the herbarium preparation and arboretum collections.

Dravyaguna is the basic subject of Ayurveda having eight broad branches. This book mainly covers the first paper of Dravyaguna for BAMS students as per.

Both dry sample and wet sample collection of the DG museum is elaborated. Dos and donts for DG lab along with the necessary tips to the students is special attraction for the students. Phamacognostic identification of some important medicinal plants 16 plants as described in the CCIM syllabus was also included. This will enable the students of Ayurveda to learn about the easier methods of identification of herbs through microscopic studies. It may be concluded that this is first English work on Dravyaguna which is complete and which is in accordance with the CCIM syllabus.

Seller Inventory # 100001908 4. From India to U.S.A. About this Item: Chaukhambha Orientalia. Condition: As New. This book deals with the important animal products and foods prescribed in Ayurvedic material media. The modern perspective of the respective drugs and foods is also provided.

Emphasis on the need of animal products like Kasturi (musk) Puti (civet), Agnijara (amber) etc is laid while expressing the need for careful collection methods without sacrificing any animal. The scientific background for the classification of foods in the ancient Ayurvedic texts is substantiated with the support of modern literature.

The nutritive values of these foods are also provided on the basis of available information. This work also deals with the indigenous methods of food processing in ancient India. Various puddings and their role in the management of health and disease are emphasized.

Pharmacognostic identification of some important medicinal plants (12 plants) as described in the CCIM syllabus was also included. Download return to forever hymn of the seventh galaxy rar. This will enable the students of Ayurveda to learn about the easier methods of identification of herbs.

It may be concluded that this is the first English work on Dravyaguna which is in accordance with the CCIM syllabus. Seller Inventory # 60662 7. From India to U.S.A. About this Item: Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy Varanasi, 2012.

Condition: New. 5th or later edition. This work deals with indigenous materia medica, pharmacology and therapeutics of Ayurveda, with special reference to drug obtained from vegetable origin or the plant drugs belonging to Indian medical science. It is the first work of its kind, fulfilling the need and demand in India and abroad.

The work is in English language supported with Sanskrit text (with proper reference/contexts). This work has been presented in three parts, enumerating more than 500 drugs, forming three volumes: first (A-J), second (K-N) and third (P-Y), brought out during the period from 1998 to 2001. The work covers all the relevant aspects of drugs generally dealt in the sphere of Dravyaguna Vijnana of Indian Materia Medica.

Being the first volume, its section I deals the classification (gana, varga etc.) of drugs and main section II entirely covers individual drugs which are to continue in further volumes. The glossary of technical and medical terms related to drugs and Dravyaguna Vijnana is given; and the indices of botanical and Sanskrit names along with other lists have been provided. The subject matter drugs and topics as required in the subject course of Dravyaguna Vijnana under curriculum of Central Council of Indian Medicine and other studies needs have been kept in view. From India to U.S.A. About this Item: Chaukhamba Publications, New Delhi, India, 2014.

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